Monday, December 12, 2011

5-6-Cystic pattern

1-Multiple thin wall lesions containing air with size 1 cm or more.
We can use mnemonic HELP CT where

-H is histiocytosis( sizable cysts + nodules at periphery of cysts +spare lower zones ).

-E is emphysema( centrilobular emphysema).

I can know that this is emphysema and not any other types of cystic pattern by presence of para septal type of emphysema.

-L  is lymphangiomyomatosis( only in reproductive female + all lung +no nodules + small and numerous cysts about 2.5 cm ).

Lymphangiomyomatosis with pneumothorax
-L  is lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia( fever + cough + expectoration ).
-P  is Pneumocystis carinii.
-C is cystic bronchiectasis(can be defined by presence of traction bronchi). 

-T is Tuberous sclerosis(pulmonary cysts are similar to that of lymphangiomyomatosis(differentiated by clinical picture).

3-Cystic pattern cannot be seen in plain chest X-ray but honey combing could be noted due to thickness of its wall.
4-One of the cyst can explore causing pneumothorax.
5-Pneumothorax are more common in lymphangiomyomatosis which could cause chylothorax (which cannot be seen in other causes of cystic pattern).
-X-ray findings:
*Prominent hilar vascular shadows.
*Peripheral attenuation of the peripheral vascular markings.
*Increased retrosternal and retrocardiac spaces seen in the lateral film.
*Low flat diaphragm and elongated cardiac shadow.
*Emphysematous bullae.
-CT findings:
*Two types which are centrilobular and paraseptal emphysema.
*Centrilobular appears as multiple cysts present in the center of the lung.
*Paraseptal emphysema is the most common type of emphysema and appears as multiple cysts at the periphery of the lung.
*D.D.between emphysema and lymphangiomyomatosis.
Lymphangiomyomatosis occurs only in females and does not shows cysts at the periphery of the lung.

7-Bullous lung disease(Vanishing lung syndrome):
-Uncommon cause of respiratory distress in males.
-Patients have history of significant cigarette smoking.
-Multiple large bullae impair the pulmonary mechanics.

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