Saturday, December 10, 2011

5-2-Ground glass pattern

-Study characterization: CT chest with contrast injection AT the level of tracheal bifurcation.
-Lesion localization: Diffuse opacity involving almost all the lung parenchyma.
-Lesion characterization: This opacity give rise to appearance of ground glass pattern involving both anterior segments and superior segments of the upper lobes and lower lobes respectively.
-Differential diagnosis: Ground glass pattern opacity is the initial pattern affecting the lung in diffuse lung disease, after which it can develop to one of the types of it such as interstitial, alveolar or mixed types.Then, ground glass pattern will proceed to interstitial type(54%), or alveolar type(14%), or mixed type(32%)
-Diagnosis: Total extent of interstitial disease was scored as 35% (40% assigned as ground-glass opacification without traction bronchiectasis and 60% as crazy-paving pattern).

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