Saturday, December 10, 2011

5-1-Ground glass pattern

1-Increased attenuation of the lung with preserved bronchovascular markings.

2-All patterns of diffuse pulmonary lesions start initially by ground glass pattern.

3-This is due to filling of the alveoli by fluid, blood, pus, lymph, living cells, dead cells or any other types of materials.

4-Then, ground glass pattern will proceed to interstitial type(54%), or alveolar type(14%), or mixed type(32%).

5-As we said previously, this is due to filling of the alveoli by
-Fluid---Pulmonary edema.
-Blood---Pulmonary trauma.
-Living cells---Malignant neoplasm.
-Dead cells---Pulmonary infarction.
or any other types of materials.

6-The alveolar type will give rise to edema, pneumonia, hemorrhage...etc.
7-Special cases:
-Patient with AIDS, and when you do CT chest to him, you find a single small area of ground glass pattern=Pneumonitis carinii pneumonia.
-Patient with lung transplant, and when you do CT chest to him, you find a single small area of ground glass pattern=CMV or rejection.
-Solitary ground glass opacity:
Could be due to
*Broncho-alveolar edema.
*Broncho-alveolar carcinoma.
-Alveolar protenosis.

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