Monday, December 19, 2011

Lung cavities

The same as the adult
1-To say this is a abscess, you must see air inside the cavity in addition to the enhancement of the wall of the abscess..
2-Look to the contents of the cavity
-If it contains air fluid level, then look to the surface of the fluid
*If it is straight, your diagnosis is acute abscess.
*If it is wavy, your diagnosis is ruptured hydatid cyst(small daughter cysts float on the surface of the fluid giving this appearance).
3-If the cavity contains air only, then look to the thickness of the wall
-If it is thick, then look to the shape of this wall
*If it is thick with regular shape, think about chronic lung abscess.
*If it is thick with irregular shape giving appearance of nodularity, think about bronchogenic carcinoma.
-If the wall of the cavity is thin, then look to the site of the cavity
*If it is central, think about pneumatocele.
*If it is peripheral, think about emphysematous bulla.
-Then if the cavity contains intra cavitary lesion think for the most common cause which is fungal ball, less commonly ruptured hydatid cyst or cavitating tumor, or the least common which is blood clots.

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