Tuesday, December 13, 2011

8-1-1-Mediastinal lymph nodes

1-Sites of mediastinal lymph nodes:
-Retrosternal lymph nodes or internal mammary lymph nodes.
Present posterior to the sternum on the right of left side.

-Prevascular lymph nodes:
Present besides the arch of the aorta.

-Retrocaval lymph nodes:
Present behind the superior vena cava.

-Aortic window:
Present in the area between ascending and descending aorta.

-Carinal lymph nodes:
Present around tracheal bifurcation anterior or posterior to it or in between two division of carina.
Lymph nodes present anterior to carina known as precarinal lymph nodes.
Lymph nodes present posterior to carina known as subcarinal lymph nodes. 
Lymph nodes present in between two division known as carinal lymph nodes.

-Hilar lymph nodes:

-Zygoesophageal lymph nodes:
Related to the esophagus.

-Para cardiac lymph nodes:
Surrounding the heart and it is pathognomonic of non Hodgkin' lymphoma.

2-Diagnosis of lymphadenopathy is done when we find soft tissue masses in the anatomic sites of lymph nodes mentioned above.
3-Pathology of lymphadenopathy:
-Lymphoid disorders as Castleman disease.
-Lymphoid neoplasm as lymphoma and leukemia.
-Metastatic spread.
-Infection as in TB, fungus and sarcoidosis.

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