Monday, December 12, 2011

6-1-6-Mediastinal cysts

1-Well defined epithelial lesions comprise 15-20% of all mediastinal masses.
2-Sharply defined wall.
    Paper thin wall.
    Clear fluid content(0-20 HU).
3-It can be differentiated from other cysts seen in other parts of the body in that the presence of septation and marginal calcification could be accepted as normal findings seen in a simple cyst and not as a complicated one.
4-No solid component or mural nodules and no enhancement( as we mentioned before the presence of a cyst containing mural nodule, wall enhancement or shows wall thickness deviate it from cystic lesion to a solid one).
5-If you see a cyst with the most of its parenchyma seen in the lung area while a small part of it is seen in the mediastinum, diagnose it as a mediastinal lesion and not as lung lesion, as it is very difficult to a lung cyst(benign and soft) to deviate into mediastinum, but it is very easy to a mediastinal cyst to merge from mediastinum to the lung area(this rule is not a  typical in case of bronchogenic carcinoma).

1)Anterior mediastinal cyst = Pericardial cyst(related to right cardiophrenic angle).
D.D.from hydatid cyst:
-Pericardial cyst is mediastinal lesion causes lung compression but hydatid is a lung lesion do not cause lung compression.
-It is common in clinical practice to see pericardial cyst in the right cardiophrenic angle but not common to see hydatid cyst in such a position.
-In case of pericardial cyst, its border take the shape of heart border(mediastinal border as seen in CT image below).This could not be seen in hydatid cyst.

Pericardial cyst by chest X-ray

Pericardial cyst by CT

Pericardial cyst T1: here you can seen the mediastinal fat surrounding the cyst denoting that this cyst is in the mediastinum and not in the lung.

Pericardial cyst T2
2-Middle mediastinal cyst = Bronchogenic cyst:

-Occur most common near the carina but usually occurs at any site.
-Usually protrude to the right side as Terato dermoid cyst.
-Presence of air in the cyst means occurrence of infection or tracheobronchial connection.

Bronchogenic cyst near tracheal bifurcation

Bronchogenic cyst with fluid level

Bronchogenic cyst with fluid level
MRI T1 of a bronchogenic cyst surrounded by fat denoting its mediastinal origin
3-Posterior mediastinal cyst: Esophageal duplication cyst: usually related to esophagus.
    -Rare lesion.
    -Fluid level means presence of infection or connection to esophagus.
    -Difference between it and neuroenteric cyst is that the former is associated with vertebral anomalies.

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