Monday, December 19, 2011

Pulmonary masses

1-As seen in adults, can be mentioned as the following.
2-Pulmonary neuroblastoma instead of bronchogenic carcinoma.

-The most common malignancy in the 1week of life.
-Mean age at presentation 2 years.
-May regress spontaneously or mature to ganglioneuroma.
-Common sites is adrenal gland, but can arise anywhere along the sympathetic chain including the mediastinum.
-CT appearance:
*Posterior mediastinal para spinal mass.
*Matrix calcification in up to 85% of cases seen by CT.
*Heterogenous density and enhancement.
*Assess for
Intra spinal extension(through foramina).
Contra lateral extension.
Local and distant metastases.

3-Metastatic deposits.

4-Hydatid cyst(Halo sign due to presence of air in the wall).

5-In addition to inflammatory pseudo tumor.
-Most common primary mass in children.
-In second decades.
-Solid sharply defined mass.
-Common in the lower lobes.
-Average size is 5 cm but it may be filled the hemithorax.
-25% have matrix calcification.
-D.D.from neuroblastoma:
*By age and biopsy.

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